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NigeriaLove Forgives... - Religion - Agbazilo

Agbazilo Forum / Religion / Love Forgives... (1 Views)
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Religion / Love Forgives... by Kenny_ng :07:59 PM on Nov-15

Who have offended you? Has the person apologized for it? Have you forgiven the person? Will you forgive again if you're offended again?
You have not started loving if you have not started forgiving.
The degree of your readiness and willingness to forgive the object of your affection is directly equivalent to the depth of your love for that person.

Watch this:
1Pe 4:8 BBE And most of all be warm in your love for one another; because in love there is forgiveness for sins without number:
You don't count the sins of people you truly love. If you have been doing that your love is not yet complete.
As the saying goes "it is human to err but divine to forgive"
One way to know that a person is truly human is that they err or make mistakes. And one of the ways to know a man has God or is truly connected to God is his/her ability to forgive despite offence.

Offences are inevitable in any relationship, that is why we must make room for it. We all offend just like we are offended but we must learn to forgive.
It takes God to forgive because God himself is LOVE!

Truly love forgives Gracefully!

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